The final event in Vienna occasioned several European wide reflections on the importance, ethics and usage of the heritage of former concentration camps in the public space. In an interview with the D...Read More
The Jasenovac Memorial Center has included in their permanent visiting tour and educational activities the virtual reconstruction of the main camp in the complex. Produced by SPECS Lab in collaboratio...Read More
The gathering will provide an opportunity to present and review the main findings of the project, reflect on the impact it has had on the activity of the partner non-academic institutions and discuss ...Read More
The VR perspective on Bergen Belsen, initiated by SPECS Barcelona (prof. Paul Verschure) is temporarily on display in Amsterdam, in the Hollandsche Schouwburg, a former Jewish Theatre, now a Holocau...Read More
The reflections on heritage and contested framings of the Jewish past during several site visits in Poland and Ukraine conducted by graduates of the UvA MA Heritage and Memory are online....Read More
For the 2018 edition of the annual summer school Memory in the Digital Age (July 28th – August 5th), Gedenkstätte Bergen-Belsen hosted two lectures by prof. Rob van der Laarse (University o...Read More
Until the end of October, the Falstad Center has on display works crafted by those detained in the camp. Prisoners were generally put to work on large-scale infrastructure projects outside, but some w...Read More
The second issue of the Accessing Campscapes journal focuses on spatiality. This thread bridges several methodologically diverse contributions discussing Jasenovac, Lety, and Bergen Belsen by probing ...Read More